筛选查询条件: 更新日期:2022-04-04


如果您拟出口、再出口、转让受美国出口管制的产品、技术、软件(包括含有)的交易对象在实体清单内,请注意合规风险。详情可查阅EAR的  744.16 及其他相关章节。
国家 实体名称 许可范围 申请许可法规 联邦法规检索号
俄罗斯 Dmitriy Averichev, Naberezhnaya Chernoi Rechki 61-1, St. Petersburg, Russia 197342; and Naberegnaja Chernoj Rechki 61-1, 197342, Saint Petersburg, Russia. For all items subject to the EAR. (See § 744.11 of the EAR.) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
俄罗斯 Dmitriy Moroz, Pr. Yuria Gagarina 2, Office 801, St. Petersburg, Russia 196105. For all items subject to the EAR. (See § 744.11 of the EAR.) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
俄罗斯 Dmitriy Rakhimov, 26 General Belov Str Office 1010, Moscow, Russia 115583; and 26 Generala Belova Street, Office 1010, Moscow, Russia 115583. For all items subject to the EAR. (See § 744.11 of the EAR.) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
俄罗斯 Dmitriy V Lukhanin, 25 Red Cadets Street Letter H, Office Block 2, St. Petersburg, Russia 99034; and 130-17 Nevskiy Ave., Saint Petersburg, Russia 191036; and 16 Linia V.O., 7 Office 43, St. Petersburg, Russia 99034; and Krestovski River Quay 3, Suite 42, St. Petersburg, Russia 197376. For all items subject to the EAR. (See § 744.11 of the EAR.) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
俄罗斯 Dmitry Alexandrovich Kravchenko, Grizodubovoy Str. 4, bld. 3, apt. 84, Moscow, Russia. All items subject to the EAR. (See § 744.11 of the EAR) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
俄罗斯 Dmitry Andreev, 4 Savelkinskiy Dr., Suite 511-512, Zelenograd, Russia 124482. For all items subject to the EAR. (See § 744.11 of the EAR.) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
俄罗斯 Dmitry Kochanov, 4 Pokhodnyy Dr, Bldg 1, 4th Floor, Room 417, Moscow, Russia 125373. For all items subject to the EAR. (See § 744.11 of the EAR.) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
俄罗斯 Dmitry M Rodov, Zastavskaya St. 32A, St. Petersburg, Russia 196084; and Zastavskaya St. 15-B, St. Petersburg, Russia 196084; and Raketnyy Bul'var 15, Moscow, Russia 129164; and 16 Raketnyy Bul'var, Moscow, Russia 129164. For all items subject to the EAR. (See § 744.11 of the EAR.) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
俄罗斯 Dmitry Shegurov, a.k.a., the following one alias:—Dmitriy Shegurov, 53 Sherbakovskaya Street, Building 3, Office 509, 105318 Moscow, Russia; and 26 General Belov Str, Office 1010, Moscow, Russia 115583; and 26 Generala Belova Street, Office 1010, Moscow, Russia 115583; and 26 General Belov St Office 415, Moscow, Russia 115583; and 26 Generala Belova Street, Office 415, Moscow, Russia 115583; and 26 General Belov Str, Office 19, Moscow, Russia 115583; and 26 Generala Belova Street, Office 19, Moscow, Russia 115583. For all items subject to the EAR. (See § 744.11 of the EAR.) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
俄罗斯 DMT Electronics, a.k.a., the following four aliases: —DMT Electronics, JSC; —DMT Elektroniks AO; —Joint Stock Company DMT Electronics; and —ZAO DMT Elektroniks. Panfilovskiy Prospekt, 10, FL 3 Room 430, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124460; and 527, 10 Panfilovsky, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia 124060. For all items subject to the EAR. (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
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